
[은상]K-디지털 챌린지: NET 챌린지 캠프 시즌10

K-디지털 챌린지: NET 챌린지 캠프 시즌10

2023년 06월 23일 부터 2023년 12월 04일 까지 진행된 K-디지털 챌린지: NET 챌린지 캠프 시즌10에 대한 포스트.

2023 가천대 졸업작품 GuardianWatch 팀원들과 연계하여 참가한 공모전

다중 객체 추적 기술을 활용한 지능형 어린이집 안전 모니터링 시스템

공모전 결과

[은상]SDN/NFV 포럼의장상




1. Purpose & Necessity⬇️

2. Objective & Output⬇️

3. Result⬇️

4. Expectation⬇️

5. Award⬇️

1. Purpose & Necessity⬆️

- 01. Curious of child’s daily life

  • Lack of communication skills

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- 02. Increase Abuse in Childcare center

  • Check CCTV after abuse

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- 03. Limited CCTV Access

  • Limited access due to privacy

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- Introduction

GuardianWatch = Guardian + Watch

  • : Intelligent Childcare Center Safety Monitoring System.

    A system that analyzes the daily life of a child at a childcare center.

    You can check the child’s activities.

    1. Heatmap - Visualization of Where child Stay

    2. Consumption Calories - Estimated Calories of Consumption as Moving

    3. Movement Path - Visualization of a moving path

    4. BEV(BirdEyeView) Video - Graphic video of children’s activities (minimizing personal information)

    5. Notification - Provide notifications for activities

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2. Objective & Output⬆️

- Objective

System Archiecture

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- Detailed Objective

Re-ID problem in M.O.T

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- Output

Re-ID problem in M.O.T

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3. Result⬆️

Sign Up/LoginRegister ChildSet Main Child
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NotificationAmount of ActivityBird Eye View
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4. Expectation⬆️

- Expectation

Understanding the daily life of my childMinimization of personal information
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Understanding the childTrust between parents and childcare center
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- Future Work

Personal IdentificationRe-ID problem
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Automatic background recognitionReinforcement Model
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5. Award⬆️

[은상] [K-디지털 챌린지 : NET 챌린지 캠프 시즌10]

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